Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pharmacy Acquisition Finance in Vermont

By Brad MacLiver
Authorship and profile at Google

When a Vermont (VT) pharmacy is being sold, seldom does the pharmacy buyer pay cash for the acquisition. Even when cash is available, Vermont pharmacy buyer strategies usually involve financing the transaction.

Typical acquisitions take 6-9 months to complete, so the pharmacy seller will need the buyer to provide some proof up front about their ability to close the transaction. Acquisitions will involve many hours of due diligence, and negotiation. Along with the buyer and seller the acquisition will involve attorneys, accountants, lenders, valuation companies, Vermont pharmacy industry specialists, pharmacy brokers, along with others. No one wants to pursue 6-9 months of work involving a variety of highly paid professionals without having some confidence of the pharmacy buyer’s ability to close the deal.

The process will begin with determining the value of the drug store. There are many companies that offer valuation services. However, due to the changing circumstances of the pharmacy industry a pharmacy industry specialist should be used for valuing the company instead of a valuation company that has a broader spectrum. In order to complete a valuation the selling company needs to provide up-to-date data. Lenders funding Vermont pharmacy transactions will not accept a sellers “gut feeling” or a value based on a simple accounting formula. Lenders need to make a decision to finance a pharmacy based on sound and verifiable information.

There are a number of methods to finance a VT pharmacy acquisition. Each can be customized or included with other forms of financing to provide the buyer with the best financing package and the greatest chance for the businesses financial success.

Structuring the transaction is extremely important. The drug store seller of course wants as much money as possible and wants cash. However, the pharmacy buyer desires to spread out the debt service, wants to have as little cash as possible invested in the acquisition.

The VT pharmacy industry is in a market where it is more difficult to obtain funding. For the acquisition to be financed a lender will need a strong understanding of the pharmacy industry and what, beyond the collateralized assets, the company offers to reduce the perceived risk.

One simple example of this is the Vermont Pharmacy Industry. Pharmacies have typically been known for generating profits and to be stable businesses. However, they are usually in leased locations, and their furniture, fixtures, and computers typically will only provide $15-20,000 of collateral for a buyer requesting a million dollar loan. A lot of money is tied up in inventory, but the small pills are considered by a lender to easy to move out the door in the event of default. Due to these circumstances many lenders will not loan money to these traditional money making businesses.

For the best chance of success at pursuing Pharmacy Acquisition Finance, make sure that both the pharmacy valuation company and the lender have expertise in the Vermont pharmacy industry.

Tips for Pharmacy Acquisition Finance:

1. Attorneys and CPAs who have represented the pharmacy or drug store for several years may potentially see the transaction as putting themselves at risk of losing a client when the business is sold. Make sure they work diligently on the Vermont pharmacy transaction and are not slowing or undermining the process.

2. Because pharmacy acquisitions in Vermont will usually involve about 6-9 months or even up to two years, all parties involved should follow a time table. Important items end up sitting on the desk of someone that is outside of the control of the buyer or seller much too often.

3. All of the VT pharmacy’s financial information needs to be current. During the lengthy acquisition process, the data supplied to both the lender and the buyer will need to be updated on a continual basis. During a nine month period, things can change drastically, and the pharmacy seller will need to continually prove the financial condition of the company.
